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Import accounts from your web browser

Chrome Password Manager and Safari Keychain are already keeping a list of some of your accounts – you might as well use it!

Updated over 11 months ago

In this article, you'll learn:

Web browsers work as built-in password managers

Not everyone uses a password manager. However, our research has found that many users who stated they don't use a dedicated password manager (like 1Password, LastPass, or Dashlane) are knowingly or unknowingly storing their login info on their browser's built-in password manager.

Google's Chrome Password Manager and Safari's Keychain are the most common browser built-in password managers.

Browser built-in password managers are great at maintaining a reliable list of the accounts you actively use. They'll thus be missing the older accounts that still exist even though you've stopped using them, and the accounts whose passwords you, for whatever reason, decided not to save.

Combining this method with an inbox scan is a great way to uncover an even more complete collection of all the accounts you've created over the years.

Add accounts stored in your web browser

1. Click "Import Stuff" on the left of the screen. Then, choose "Import accounts via CSV."

2. Before you continue in Yorba, export a list of accounts from your browser's built-in password manager as a CSV spreadsheet.

Each browser has slightly different steps to export your data to a CSV spreadsheet. Here are links to the help articles for exporting login info from Chrome and Safari:

3. Make sure the CSV spreadsheet you download from your browser matches Yorba's CSV template, or copy/paste your info into Yorba's CSV spreadsheet.

Storing passwords is optional: To ensure your data is 100% safe even if Yorba were ever breached, if you decide to import passwords to Yorba, you'll be required to set up a Secure Storage protocol, via an encrypted file on your own personal cloud drive that Yorba can access only while you are actively using the app.

4. Drag and drop your formatted CSV file into Yorba (or just upload it by clicking "Browse files").

If there are any errors or missing information in your spreadsheet, we'll point those out so you can correct them.

5. Review your results to ensure everything looks right (and dismiss anything you don't want to add to Yorba).

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